Oh, how I love science experiments......and Mrs. Owens and Miss Vee know that! So, when they teamed up to do TWO science experiments together, they made sure to invite our class!!!
And, boy did we ever have fun!!!!! We watched, as Mrs. Owens put a pack of mentos mints into a 2 liter of diet coke.....
and it exploded into a wonderful fountain!!!
Then we watched Miss Vee set up film canisters....put alka selzer into the canisters, water, shake.....and......POP!!!!
They exploded into the air!!!!
We had so much fun watching the rockets!!!!
Then we came back to the classroom and talked about pressure, and why those things exploded!!! What a FUN afternoon!!!!!
Boy, do we love to paint.....and Mrs. Mason sure does appreciate all of the parents being so easygoing with their kids coming home with some paint on them!!!!
One of our favorite times of the day is always center time! I was in a picture-taking mood yesterday (when am I not!!!), so here are some pictures of your darling kids!
I purposed to take a picture of your darling kids hard at work on their SAT's, but I forgot the whole week! Even so, they worked so hard and diligently that they earned this party!!! And BOY, did we party!!! We had SO MUCH FUN!!! This was the first Hot Fudge Sundae party I've ever done, and I tell you, it won't be the last! The kids loved putting on their toppings and making their Sundae's special!